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the why 

Three simultaneous beliefs inspired me to start this initiative of providing ideas and advice to make sustainable living more accessible and engaging for people.


1. Small actions go a long way. No act is too minor to make a difference in waste control, primarily because doing nothing is worse. But also, the power of inspiration will encourage an idea's growth. 


2. Therefore, one measure can grow into many. It might seem like one is making little difference when doing it alone. But your actions will inspire others to follow until it obtains critical mass and the idea and movement have become accepted and replicated.


3. All waste can be resourced. Indeed, no waste cannot be resourced. Further, we should challenge the approach that most waste can be destroyed in landfills, incinerators, or even biogas (the least bad option, but still not ideal): there is no "away" in throw away.


My mindset's evolution took time and many phases. For example, I cooked so infrequently for years that I could put all my food waste in a Ziplock bag in the freezer and bring it to the community compost bins once a month. But that small act created the sustained habit as my kitchen activity - and food scraps - grew. Likewise, the mindset of ensuring waste be transformed into a resource has slowly permeated most aspects of my life: clothing, transportation, toys for my children, etc. 


I observe friends and contacts implementing few sustainable practices in their daily lives. When appropriate, I share what I do in the kitchen, with unwearable clothing, recycling, etc. However, I now feel a greater sense of urgency to share my daily routine with a broader audience. I want to inspire others to take simple steps and not be intimidated by what seems insurmountable. Doing nothing is not an option, but the aggregation of many small things transforms into something significant. And sometimes, that is all we can do. But we should also flip the paradigm and realize that all we do will make a difference. With every step, we contribute to the virtuous loops which produce virtuous results. Will you be a snowflake and join me on the branch? Scroll down to begin or continue your sustainable journey—you're one of us now, snowflake 😉.


the who

I started my career as a Naval Officer, in which the first half, I was a pilot, and for the second half, an international affairs officer (technically, a Foreign Affairs Officer). I only became involved with the “ag world” after my military career, while volunteering at a local farm. After six months of working the land, I never looked back: I transitioned to an urban farm, became a beekeeper, and obtained my Masters in Urban Agriculture. I now work as the COO for Loop Closing, a small business that recycles commercial food waste in composting machines placed where dumpsters currently stand.


I am married to a Dutchie conservationist who works for World Wildlife Fund (you know, the one with the panda), and we have two rambunctious sons for whom I do every little thing to make this world a better place.

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I'm always looking to engage on new and innovative ways to be sustainable. Have an idea? Want to chat? Let's connect.


With gratitude, 

Sarah Dachos

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